Worksheet One – Value Assessment: Which goals should you set?
Stage One: Life Area Breakdown
Break down your life into the main areas.
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Break down the main areas further into their sub-sections.
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Stage Two: What Matters to You?
Rank and prioritize the main areas and their sub-sections for the next 12 months.
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Rank and prioritize the main areas and their sub-sections for the next 10 years.
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Stage Three: Growth and Maintenance
Add “M” for maintenance areas and “G” for growth areas for all items in your list.
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Stage Four: Choosing Goal-Setting Areas
Identify the highest ranking “G” areas to focus your goal setting efforts.
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Worksheet Two – Goal Setting: Choosing Your Goal
Stage One: Gathering Ideas
Start to write out a list of goals you see yourself pursuing.
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Stage Two: Selecting the Priority
From the above list, choose one goal that seems to have the highest priority.
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Stage Three: Brainstorming Strategies
Brainstorm ten different strategies for pursuing your selected goal.
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Stage Four: What is the Investment?
Estimate the amount of time, energy and other resources required for all strategies listed above. Also estimate how long you are able to make each strategy your primary goal.
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Bonus – Stage Five: Sequencing and Planning Multiple Goals (Advanced tactic)
Establish a priority for a primary goal and a secondary goal by (repeat all exercises above for a secondary goal).
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Worksheet Three – Self-Assessment: Identifying strengths, weaknesses and failure points
Stage One: Recent Goal-Setting Efforts
List your recent self improvement efforts (at least five).
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Stage Two: Evaluating Those Efforts
Mark each item with “I” for incomplete, “F” for failures and “S” for success.
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Stage Three: Diagnosing Incomplete Projects and Failed Goals
Identify the patterns underlying your goals listed as “I” and “F”.
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Stage Four: Understanding Successes
Identify the patterns underlying your goals listed as “S”.
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Stage Five: Where’s My Weak and Strong Points?
Identify your primary goal setting strengths and weaknesses.
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Worksheet Four – Commitments: Becoming aware of your commitments and constraints
Stage One: Current Commitments
List your current commitments and calculate how much time they currently occupy on a weekly basis.
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Stage Two: Current Constraints
Calculate the time you have “in theory” and “in practice” on a weekly basis.
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Stage Three: Comparing Capacities
List your three rough numbers (hours) – leftover, stretch target and baseline.
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Stage Four: Accommodating Plans
Identify which strategy you will employ for your goal – status-quo, increasing theoretically possible or outsourcing/automating/batching.
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Bonus Exercise: Timelogging
Decide whether you will try timelogging. If so, identify the steps for doing so.
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Worksheet Five – Planning: Making your project bulletproof
Stage One: Time Investment
List the weekly time investment and the total duration of your goal.
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Stage Two: Weekly Schedule
Decide where you will fit your goal inside your weekly schedule.
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Stage Three: Project Metrics
Define your project metric, to measure how your actions align with your intentions.
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Stage Four: Contingency Planning
List all the interruptions that could come up and decide what you will do if it happens. Plan until you have reached a 95% contingency plan.
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Stage Five: Picking the Target
Define your exact target you want to reach for your goal.
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Bonus Stage: Pause-Restart Planning
Define your pause-restart strategy.
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Worksheet Six – Review: Doing a project post-mortem
Stage One: Comparing Action and Intent
Describe how well did your actions aligned with your initial intentions.
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Stage Two: Comparing Outcomes and Those Achieved
Did you achieve the outcomes you set out to achieve.
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Stage Three: What Went Well, What Could Have Gone Better?
What specific things could you have improved in your project.
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Stage Four: Next Steps
In more general terms, how would you change your goal setting and planning going forward.
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